Toricxs is a tool to clean up the appearance (file name/tag) of your wma, mp3 and wav files. It is a freeware tag creation application that's efficient.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Up the appearance of music files, and organize them more efficiently. Screenshot of Toricxs - 675px · 425pxIt looks just like you want it to. Screenshot of Toricxs - 676px · 405pxEfficient, but time-consuming. Screenshot of Toricxs - 586px · 467pxPerforms several steps to up MP3 IDv3 tags. Screenshot of Toricxs - 655px · 445pxToricxs: User interface. Screenshot of Toricxs - 676px · 370pxScreenshot of Toricxs - Size: 675px · 418px